File body

UNICEDE/2 file details.

The body of the file follows the header section. Each record in the body represents a set of risks in:

  • A given area (i.e., U.S. state or European country) or subarea (e.g. CRESTA zone)

  • A given peril covered for those risks (e.g. earthquake)

  • A given line of business (e.g. Homeowners for a U.S. ceding company)

It is very important that you include all the subareas in which the ceding company writes business. The coverages provided for in each record are:

  • B: Buildings only. In the US this includes coverages A and B

  • C: Contents only. In the US this includes coverage C

  • T: Time element only. In the US this includes coverage D

  • BC: Buildings and contents combined (i.e., the two coverages cannot be separated). In the US this includes coverages A, B and C

  • BCT: Buildings, contents, and time element combined (i.e., the three coverages cannot be separated) . In the US this includes coverages A, B, C and D

  • A: Automobiles only

  • W: Workers' Compensation or pandemic exposure

  • PD: Physical damage (Gulf of Mexico Offshore Platform only)

  • CROP: MPCI Agricultural and Crop Hail

For each record, you must provide data on at least one of the following:

  • No. of Risks

  • Sums-Insured Values

  • Premiums and Rates %


Files containing Market Shares must be created and imported separately..

Each record must have the following characteristics:

  • Each field must be assigned a value. If unknown, enter the digit 0 unless otherwise instructed below. It is very important that fields whose values are unknown are not skipped .

  • Individual fields must be separated by commas (as defined by the FIELD_SEPARATOR value in the header).

  • Individual records must be separated by a new line code, namely the ASCII CARRIAGE RETURN character followed by the ASCII LINE FEED character (as defined by the RECORD_SEPARATOR value in the header).

Finally, for every set of records for a given peril and a given LOB code, there must be a record for the area total. For example, if the file for a Belgian ceding company that provides Windstorm coverage contains nine records for Residential Building, one for each of the CRESTA zones, then the file must contain a 10th record for BELGIUM as a whole (i.e., areacode 11-000). If the file also contains records for, say, the Commercial LOB, then there should be a corresponding BELGIUM level (i.e., 11-000) record. These area total (i.e., country total and state total) records serve as check records to verify that the software reading the data is doing so correctly.

The fields in each record of a UNICEDE/2 file are listed on the following pages.